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New Data access APIs developed under the UK-SCAPE Data Science Framework
The Digital Science Framework (DSF) is starting to take shape and now includes several data access Application Programming Interfaces or APIs (CHESS, Countryside Survey and EMEP4UK) to enable users to define queries in space and time to stream or download the data for use in any environment such as datalabs, Jupyter notebooks and R studio.

UKCEH long-term lake monitoring informs climate assessment
Data from the long-term monitoring at Loch Leven and in the Cumbrian Lakes have, once again, been used in a major synthesis of the global climate. Each year, the American Meteorological Society publishes a State of the Climate Report to present current evidence from across all biomes and continents.

COSMOS-UK data available on EIDC
Daily and sub-daily hydrometeorological and soil observations from COSMOS-UK to 2017 have now been published by EIDC. A comprehensive COSMOS-UK User Guide is also now available from the COSMOS-UK website and via NORA. The website is enjoying an average of about 750 visitors a month, with a peak of over 1000.

Countryside survey team complete first year of work | November 2019
The UK-SCAPE soil and vegetation field survey team have successfully completed the first year of a 5 year rolling programme of work. In her recent blog post, Claire Wood explains how technology was used to improve data capture in the field and manage samples in the lab. Following some internal discussion, it’s been decided this work will be recognised as the “UKCEH Countryside Survey” which maintains brand recognition and an association with former activities.